1 min read
An introduction to calm

Calm Introduction:

How Did You Start?

I am a person who has always worked very hard to go above and beyond the expectations. I've spent 20 years of my professional life trying to deliver the best of me that I can. I've also learned that there is a considerable price for always moving at this pace. Though I am fully engaged and love to produce amazing results, I also have seen my quality take hits, and that bothered me. I made an in-depth look into myself and surroundings one day. I told myself, I will deliver quality, high expectations, and do that while not burning myself out and or making huge moves.

Moreover, there is also that notice of why we must always move so frantic and attempt to achieve so much. Really, what is it worth when you sacrifice quality, time, and expense to yourself, the people in your team, company, and family?

I'm a leader, and I have been leading people for many years. I've analyzed many team members, peers, and even family members. I see a common issue.

One morning I was jolted from the bed, a thought came into my mind, it was caLm. I shrugged it off and attempted to go back to sleep. It was like my brain would not shut off, my intuition kicked in again.

"You need to get up now and do this. Get up and get this out and on to paper."

"Creating Action with Least Movement." Calm.

Calm is a philosophy to help create movement and reach goals in business and life equally. We often are overloaded with unaccomplishable goals, spread too thin to make the real result without sacrificing quality excellence, expense, and or time. The Calm method helps reduce resistance, interference, and impediments in environments while straightening teams and people on an individual purpose and path to reach milestone, accomplishments, and aspirations.

The statement sounds all great in the talk. However, the execution of this is very hard.

Calm philosophy is life, business, purpose, and results.

Stop moving mountains, organize with more significant conclusions and with less resistance. Build a caLm autonomy leading meta-structure while driving for inner happiness.

The rest of my work with caLm will be shared here on this site. There will be items from other people I've collaborated with on the site as well. Use it to your advantage as the work here comes from real life struggles, challenges, and is a blueprint of the philosophy and methodology to arriving at destinations.

You will see "Destinations" and  "Choose You" often. I'll explain more about this in later articles. Until then, thank you for checking the website. I hope the information here allows you to create action with least movement.

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