2 min read
Challenges vs Set Up For Failure

Is The Deck Stacked Against You?

Are you being challenged or are you set up for failure?

Choose You.

No person will honestly understand and recognize your motivations, behaviors, and tendencies as you. You can strive to interpret this as much as possible. However, you are you.

So what are the best ways to accomplish the void, challenge, difference?

One, understand the game you are about to play. Is this a game worth playing? What do you gain from playing?

Sometimes in life, you hear the good old saying "cut your losses." As bad as that sounds, sometimes you have to realize when the deck is against you. Simply put, this not the best destination for you to travel. There are going to be hazards automatically build based on the cards against you. Remember, caLm is fundamentally about creating action with least movement. In the same philosophy, do you risk moving mountains for someone or some purpose that will never align with yours?


The key, understanding your destination, be that short or lengthy. Choosing how you arrive at a conclusion and what you bring while on the adventure is critical.  Don't climb the mountain when you can bypass it. Don't swim across an ocean when you easily fly over one.

Pick and choose your battles, cut losses where needed, and realign to the core of you. If you truly and honestly can look inwards and see you are doing everything in your power to improve, then continue doing so. We all can learn from past mistakes, learn to grow overall, and become a better person. However you also need to see the game you are in and if it is worth the effort and time.

I know that sounds wholly combative but is it? 

Understanding where you fit in situations is smart.

Think of a racetrack and running a quarter mile with cars that average 9 seconds flat in a quarter-mile.  

If you are at the starting line and there are two lanes, the lane in which you are to drive in, and one of our competitor. Your route has with oil, potholes, and nails. While the other is pristine and clutter free, who has a simple advantage? Is your lane even worth the trip if there is a high probability you will spin out, crash, or have a blowout? Yes, so why step into it.

If you do not know someone well, we have many variables we introduce to overcompensate for that lack of understanding. We all have been in a situation where we project differently to others. Understanding that projection is key and so I respected the examples provided.

Maybe you say something as simple as "I love being a leader!"

Some might take that statement "I love being the center of attention" or "I love being the boss." and perhaps one could come to the conclusion that you meant "I love taking ownership for us."

There are many variables to how a simple message is received. 

Closing : Make The Right Choice For You.

In closing, be smart, understand yourself and the situations. Is the game worth playing and what do you sacrifice in playing it and what rewards and or outcomes might come from it?

You may not be set up for failure. You could be challenged or perhaps being asked to view the situation differently. It could be a little of both, or neither!

Equipping yourself and using tools to get the information about you.

Choosing You is not "easy," and it takes a great amount of research, meditation, self-reflection, and soul seeking. A great tool to use is "DISC" . Give it a try, I am sure you will not be shocked about the results.

Other tools which help understanding you, your communication style, and how you might be seen through the eyes of others, CliftonStrengths aka Strength Finder. There are several other tools which will help. These are the two I personally find useful.

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