"Choose You" It seems simple, but it is not.
Calm methodology and philosophy are basic and straightforward to talk about at a high-level. However, in practice, we fall short often, and the risk that becomes from falling short is a domino effect that grows slowly. The chance of not understanding yourself is a slow spiral of chaos.
I often ask my coworkers, friends, and family about their least resistant path in life. The road that you will always follow no matter what. The path is what you do naturally in life without little to no thought.
So no, this is not about being selfish or ego driven. Ego is a blessing and a curse for sure. Choosing you is about understanding what makes you, you. Moreover, in doing so, you can figure ways to clear obstacles, know why you align in some areas, and maybe understand why you cannot communicate with others. There are many examples of choosing you and how this will benefit.
You know someone who sacrifices themselves and regularly heads down a path in life that, to many others view, is not a great path. Imagine someone standing at a fork in the road. One is very defined, and there are signs about the journey you are about to go on. This path cannot tell you everything and is established enough to understand you have an asphalt road. The other route is dirt, it does not have any signs. It has been traveled, there is a trail left behind, and therefore someone has forged forward many times. However, it is less predictable. We tell this person, if you choose this trial, you are going to arrive at your destination somewhere within three weeks and three months. The other path, which is asphalt, is a path that will get you to the same goal in a week on average.
The point here, there are two choices and the person you know today will always take the dirt road, stubborn maybe, but that is the path they will choose. They want to take a long journey, risk everything for reward, and make it a point to arrive in fashion, regardless of their time in doing so.
I know, we walked right into this maze of questions and doubt. What I am hoping to note here. We are all very different, and because of this, we need to understand why some things attract us without doubt and or thought. Additionally, why others are so foreign and against our natural selections. The person who selected the dirt trail loves taking on a challenge, learning from the experiment, and taking a less predictable path.
The others who chose the more predictable and defined path might have opposite views. While understanding you, you know your boundaries, ways of thinking, why you move the way you do, and why you do and choose what you do in life.
You may love challenges, and you may not. However, what I am hoping to do is equip you with the best view of yourself, that way when obstacles present, and there are many forms in which they can appear. You are ready to understand the best action and approach. When understanding your immediate core, you then will allow yourself to start strategizing ways to accomplish goals.
Remember, goal accomplishment is not about "the right path." It is more about how you arrived at the destination. In the example above, had you attempted the trial which was a longer route, you might have taken a lot of small actionable quests during the journey. Although you took months to reach the ultimate destination, within that time, you accomplished small wins or prepared yourself for even longer challenges and or goals.
Let's say you took that dirt trail, and it leads you to survive the basics such as understanding how to adapt to unknown situations and circumstances. Your adventure had it that you must survive in the elements. There were no defined rest stops, yet you created incremental milestones within the path. You learned many tools that can help you in the future. Again, the road is not the focus; it is how you arrived at the end and how you came to that conclusion.
Likewise, you might have taken the path that was laid out, you had essential guidance, but you took on the journey and modified your approach and your ways of traveling to improve the outcome at the end better. In this path, you arrived quickly prepared to take on the next adventure while applying the lessons learned. You gamed the situation based on your relative experience and understanding you. You like a challenge but do not set out to reinvent wheels.
Regardless of the path, how long it takes, and the outcome of the results. You made a choice based on your core. Moreover, remember, choosing you is not easy. So although you think you know you, you must spend extra time in self-reflection and or meditation to get to your least resistance, the real core of you. Until then, you might and often, will be guided by false assumptions.
Choosing You is not "easy," and it takes a great amount of research, meditation, self-reflection, and soul seeking. A great tool to use is "DISC" . Give it a try, I am sure you will not be shocked about the results.
Other tools which help understanding you, your communication style, and how you might be seen through the eyes of others, CliftonStrengths aka Strength Finder. There are several other tools which will help. These are the two I personally find useful.