"Hurry Up; We need to release this software! We are behind by months!"
Hurry up and Hurry, sound like your typical workplace, perhaps even an average home situation? Yes, we've all been there, deadlines are pushing us to the brink of insanity. We speed up in hopes to move things along swiftly. We dive in, and we are not afraid to make an effort and commitment to reach that goal; even if that means working extra! While this is a great tactic to move you closer to the finish line.
Does it work?
It is situational at best.
Have you ever climbed a mountain, or took on a challenge and or task that was so exhausting? You completed it, and you felt great because it was a daunting task and challenge. Our egos play a huge role in this, accomplishment is something we all need to feel successful and acomplished.
Were you ready for the next wave or even the next bit of work? Chances are you were toast, burnt out, and maybe you didn't realize it.
Think about modern-day fighters; be that mixed martial arts or boxers. Their job takes an incredible amount of training. They train for months, sometimes upwards of a year, before taking on their challenge. At the completion of that challenge, win or lose, you do not see them jumping back into the ring for another match, immediately after finishing the last. They take time to regroup, maybe even 6+ months before continuing the cycle of training and fighting again.
So why do we do this in life and or work? We rush to finish something only to jump right into the next thing. I've witnessed this with my current team, and every time we are hit with the reality of burn out, quality gaps, and overall lack of motivation.
Part of calm is breaking through the routines and obstacles. When we signify a level of completion, we stop and diversify. Think of this as decompression.
Let's change the narrative quickly. Let's say your job is to build phones every day. At first, this is likely an excellent job; you are excited to take on the challenge of creating new phones. Thinking of all the users who will use your phone makes you energized. Fast forward weeks, months, and years. If your job is a silo where in which you are only building phones, chances are you might get tired or bored of it. You are likely ready to create new things, maybe accessories to the phones, or other items your company also build. Step back further, let us imagine the company you are working for builds phones, computers, applications which sit on those items, and even more. You are still building phones.
Life is such were the human brain needs constant stimulation. With calm, you spend time on learning new things, giving yourself a break, making smaller moves. Those small moves add up over time, so while you are off developing the next feature for a product for a phone, you are also stopping to learn more domain knowledge and building the computers, apps, and more. This concept goes with anything in life.
Calm breaks down silos and calm allow growth with cerebral stimulation and engagement. We'll talk about more domains where caLm will change your day to day and life.