If there's one distinct thing, it is we enter this existence and will leave it. We all must face the fact that time is valuable, it is something we cannot replace, and one can argue it is something that you cannot buy. However you view the situations, we have a limited existence in life. The work we do can span multiple life spans and existences. There is a legacy we can leave behind, and some leave a lasting impression.
However, for the main focus of the subject as it stands now, your physical presence, why do so many of us lose valuable life, time, on situations, and or places that do not promote true happiness?
You have every power to change the direction or path in your life.
Many doubt themselves and think they should stick to their current plans. To those people, I say, take a look at your life, and where are you headed? Sometimes we are so blinded with an intense focus on one area. We have little ability to look at the outcomes of our current movement and journey.
Be that major moves or small. Time is valuable, and therefore if this is something we are all burning, like automobile fuel in a tank of gas, why spend it heading into a direction we have no care for or that does not service your true internal passions or care.
Sure we all have to make a trip to a location we least prefer; some may hate shopping at the grocery store, yet to sustain life, food is required. I'm not talking about the least favorable trips in life. I'm talking about taking a trip to a location where you are wasting your time.
Imagine wasting time traveling down a path that serves you no right, purpose, and while journeying to the location, you are miserable. You cannot stand it, yet you continue, ignoring every detour or warning sign on the highway of life. The emergency lights are flashing, and even the radio turns on to tell you this is not a good idea. Your family and friends are calling into you, you answer, they explain their view and perspective. All add to "this is not a great path," yet you continue onward, wasting fuel, life, and cannot refuel.
My main goal, get you to the purpose where you preserve your fuel, enjoy the most of your life, and do so while promoting your true passions.
Stop wasting precious time on things that do not serve you.