2 min read
Calm : Defining Destination

Destination Mapping : Calm Strategy & Planning : "The Destination ™"

Reaching a destination is key to making successful action towards goals in life. Those goals can be business-related, personal, a family or group function, and many more.

The critical point is to set out with a plan to reach your desired outcomes, do so while remaining strategics, fresh in mind and body, and conservation of energy both physically and mentally.

We call this "Destinations." You can view a destination as a goal, a milestone, and perhaps it is an initiative. Regardless of how you label these, the point is to make sustainable action towards reaching the endpoint, hence destination.

Note that I used the word Sustainable.

Definition of sustainable

1: capable of being sustained

2a: of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged 

b: of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods 

I often mention, reaching a destination with no energy to progress forward or begin another journey in life is not favorable and promotes poor habits and methods. Besides, reaching a goal with little pride and or passion can produce questionable results; perhaps the quality, time, and or expense has been sacrificed.

The High-Level Process & Methods:

Destination Mapping : Calm Strategy & Planning

5 Steps:

It is easy to talk about these steps, much harder to set the mind and body to the practice. However, these steps will help start the process of reaching your destinations.

  1. The Destination: Where are you attempting to arrive in life? 
  2. Planning: What will it take to get to the destination? 
  3. Embark: The movement towards creating action.
  4. Decompress & Diversify: Switching things up and keeping it fresh.
  5. Arrival & Reflection: Reaching a checkpoint, or the end of your destination and reflecting.


More information to come, this section is currently under construction. 

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